A collection of poems and articles for your reading pleasure.
The Use of VR in Psychology: Can It Improve Therapy?
The use of virtual reality in mental health is a novel method that has the potential to be transformative. Here’s how VR can improve mental health treatment and interventions. With one in every four of us anticipated to have a mental health problem at some point in...
Reasons for Compulsive Hoarding Behaviours, and How Can You Deal with It?
A compulsive hoarding condition occurs when a person accumulates an excessive quantity of goods and stores them in an unorganized manner, resulting in unmanageable amounts of clutter. Here is everything you need to know about compulsive hoarding disorder. Hoarding...
Intentional Living: Tips to Be Intentional in Your Life
Intenational living may appear high, difficult, or simply perplexing. Nonetheless, it is a way of life that can be developed by reflection and minor changes. What is intentional living, and how to get there? Having a routine is fantastic, but we can frequently find...
Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS): What Are They, and Why Do We Experience Them?
Many people experience chronic physical symptoms, such as dizziness or discomfort, but may not appear as signs of a medical problem. What are Medically Unexplained Symptoms, and how to deal with them? Both physical and psychological factors cause all medical diseases....
The Relationship Between Laziness and Anxiety: Let’s Understand Ourselves Better!
Laziness may be caused by anxiety, leading to a psychological state that requires more than self-determination to overcome. What is the link between laziness and anxiety, and how to overcome them? Laziness is defined as the voluntary refusal to exert essential effort....
Signs of Emotionally Immature Parents (EIP), and Ways to Deal with Them As An Adult.
Parents that are emotionally immature (EI) are both aggravating and demoralizing. It's difficult to love an emotionally blocked parent who wants honor and special treatment while attempting to dominate and ignore you. What are the signs of Emotionally Immature...
What Is Negative Problem-Solving Orientation, and How Can That Mentality Affect Our Lives?
Individuals with a negative problem orientation address problems in a non-functional way when they meet them. What is a negative problem orientation, and how can we avoid its impacts? Problem orientation refers to the affective and cognitive features that people...
What Are The Effects of ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and How Can You Cope with Them?
The term "Adverse Childhood Experience" refers to a variety of bad situations that a kid may encounter or witness as he or she grows up. What are their impacts, and how can you cope with them? Childhood is a sensitive stage in our lives, and what occurs to us has...
3 Ways That Rumination Affects Our Lives: Let’s Explore
Rumination is characterized by repetitive, excessive ideas that disrupt other types of thinking. What is rumination, its effects, and how can you deal with it? Most people have had the experience of obsessing about something distressing that happened during the course...
Chronic Invalidation: What Is It, and How Can You Cope with It?
Chronic invalidation, whether from yourself or others, can frequently lead to feelings of worthlessness and loneliness. What are the effects of chronic invalidation, and how can you cope with it? Acceptance of a person's views, feelings, and emotions is referred to as...
Parenting A Child with ADHD: Signs and Ways to Help You Cope
ADHD is one of the most prevalent neurodevelopmental struggles of kids, characterized by difficulty paying attention, managing impulsive behaviors, or being extremely active. What are the best methods parents can apply to help their children with ADHD? Life with an...
Non-Violent Communication (NVC) Process: What Is It, and How to Learn It?
Communication is one of the most fundamental aspects of any relationship. It is how we bond, express ourselves, and demonstrate that we understand one another. What is Non-violent Communication, and how can we achieve it? Understanding each other at the level of our...