
Challenging Trends: The True Meaning of Self-Care and How to Achieve It

Self-care Is Not Selfish

Self-care is a lifestyle, not a hashtag! Make it a daily habit to prioritize your well-being with these simple strategies. 

On a random day, self-care just exploded on social media! Want to hear something interesting? The concept of self-care isn’t just a trendy hashtag. It actually has a fascinating history! It started in the medical world, all about preventing illness. And guess what? It evolved into a powerful tool adopted by social movements, such as the Women’s Movement, in order to sustain their fight towards justice. 

Who knew that, throughout history, this simple act of maintaining our well-being is rooted deep within empowerment and transformation? Join us as we explore common myths about self-care, and delve into simple strategies one can use to nurture their health.  

From Trends To Reality.

The virality of self-care sheds light onto its non-negotiable importance. Nonetheless, there are different misconceptions about what self-care actually is and how to implement it in our busy lives. 

What are we waiting for then? Let’s start exploring the actual reality of caring for ourselves: 

Myth #1: Self-care is a luxury.

Let’s face it, self-care can feel like a distant dream reserved for those with overflowing spa budgets and endless free time. But hold on, because here’s the secret weapon against that myth: self-care doesn’t have to break the bank or require a personal assistant to schedule it!

Remember, self-care is about maintaining one’s well-being in our everyday life.Think of it as tiny tweaks to your routine that leave you feeling refreshed and recharged. It could be anything from eating healthy to taking a 10-minute walk in nature. So, what’s one mini self-care mission you can add to your day?

Myth #2: Self-care is the same for everyone!

Confession time: I don’t always like visiting the gym. Phew, I finally said it!

Here’s the thing about self-care: it’s not a rigid checklist you have to force yourself to complete. It’s your personalized toolbox that can be adapted to what you see fit! Maybe kale salads just don’t do it for you. That’s totally okay! There’s no universal “self-care prescription” out there. We’re all unique individuals with different needs and preferences. What energizes one person might drain another. The key is to discover what activities truly nourish you and make you feel like your best self. For example, an introvert might enjoy a good book, while an extrovert might crave the energy of a group workout class. 

Myth #3: Self-care is escaping your stress. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, self-care fans! While Netflix binges and endless ice cream scoops might offer a temporary escape from daily stress, they’re not exactly healthy for long-term well-being. The truth is that self-care goes beyond escapism. It is your emotional armor that actively addresses stressors and builds resilience. Be careful not to engage in unhealthy patterns with the excuse of “treating yourself”. Such behavior will only offer a short-term respite, but will inevitably drain you in the long run. 

Myth #4: Self-care only happens when you’re overwhelmed.

Okay, so maybe waiting until you’re breaking down to finally take a bubble bath isn’t exactly a winning strategy. In reality, self-care shouldn’t be limited to crisis management. In fact, the stress-diathesis model provides evidence to explain how regular self-care acts as a preventive measure against mental distress. It explains how individuals vulnerable to certain mental health conditions, like anxiety or depression, may be affected by stress. Consequently, recognizing and engaging in different self-care activities may reduce the impact of stressors and promote resilience. 

Myth #5: Self-care is optional. 

We’ve all been there: the all-nighter fueled by an unhealthy amount of caffeine just to meet a deadline.

In our fast-paced, demanding world, we often find ourselves grappling with the conflicting needs in our lives. Between ensuring our loved one’s well-being and  keeping up with work, self-care may fall low on our priorities list. However, think about it. How can you pour from an empty cup? Prioritizing self-care can actually increase our ability to function and be productive while neglecting it can lead to burnout, stress, anxiety, and even physical ailments. 

Don’t Forget Your Self-Care Toolkit!

If you’ve reached this part of the blog, then high five! You probably also agree that self-care is pretty important. The struggle remains in creating a self-care toolkit that works for YOU. While every toolkit is customized and special, let’s explore some essential tools to keep you feeling energized and balanced!

  • Setting Boundaries: One way to preserve your energy is through establishing healthy boundaries. Learning how to say “no” is essential in order to prevent burnout. Despite the internal or external pressures to display our utmost potential, it’s important to remember that just because we can, does not mean that we should.
  • Building A Support System: Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. This could include friends, family, mentors, or even therapists. Strong social connections can increase your well-being through providing a sense of belonging and boosting your mood. Moreover, seeking therapy would offer you space to discover obstacles hindering your self-care routines and address your needs in a safe and non-judgmental environment. 
  • Prioritizing Your Physiological Needs: Your body and mind are interconnected. Prioritize getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, and engaging in regular physical activity. These seemingly simple acts can have a profound impact on your mood, energy levels, and overall resilience. 
  • Slowing Down The Pace: Did you know that mindfulness practices have been shown to reduce stress? It’s easy to drown in the hustle of life. Make time to disconnect from draining stimuli, slow down your pace and simply be present. By focusing on the present moment, we can cultivate a greater sense of inner peace.
  • Rekindling Your Passions: Remember those activities that used to light you up? Whether it’s painting, playing music or hiking, reconnecting with your passions can ignite your sense of joy and purpose. How? Well, engaging in activities we enjoy activates the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine, our happy hormones! This can boost our mood, enhance creativity, and even improve our cognitive function.

You Are Important, Too. 

On a parting note, if there’s one thing to take with you today, it is that self-care is not selfish. Recognizing and acknowledging your needs is essential for your ability to function and thrive. Let’s go beyond the hype and truly nourish our mind, body and soul during every day of our lives. 

“Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to

 ourselves that we would give to others.” 

– Christopher Germer 

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