Resisting Change? Why Are You Afraid, And How to Cope?

Resisting change is an internalized phobia that leads up to our fear of the unknown. Why are you afraid to change, and how to help yourself cope with it? 

Fear of change prevents people from altering their circumstances because they are terrified of the unknown. It occasionally goes hand in hand with tropophobia, the fear of movement.

We are naturally afraid and concerned about things that are uncertain, push us out of our comfort zone, or are beyond our control. All types of change, whether large or small, unexpected or expected, positive or negative, necessitate some mental adjustment from or end. The truth is that we find comfort and security in routine, even if we find it tedious. And for some, fear of change is intertwined with fear of the unknown or even a more profound existential crisis in the face of significant change.

However, while it is natural to be afraid of change, some people may be dealing with something more serious, and it is paralyzing and challenging to live with.

Let’s find out why and how to address your fear!

Why are you resisting change? 

Fear is usually at the root of resistance to change. Fear of the unknown, in particular. Even with all of the information available, there are some things we can’t predict, which is frightening. Despite the most exciting changes, the ones we seek out and initiate ourselves can be difficult to embrace.

Here are reasons for our resistance to change:

  1. The fear of the unknown

When we don’t have enough information about a change and are expected to take a “leap of faith,” we don’t know what to expect. This can cause a great deal of anxiety.

  1. Failure anxiety

This fear, combined with the desire for perfection, causes us to be concerned about not getting things right. It stands to reason that the best way to avoid the agony of failure is to do nothing at all.

  1. Fear of loss

Loss is frequently associated with change. Change can mean losing friends, jobs, or parking spots! Other losses are less obvious, such as the loss of familiar routines or things that define who we are (like a job title or a position).

  1. Emotional turmoil

One of the primary reasons for resistance is the emotional turmoil that a change may cause, particularly if previous experiences with changes have been negative. This leads to misunderstanding and distrust, and even when the change is well-intended, its significance is misinterpreted, leading to resistance.

  1. Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is expressed through phrases such as “I’m…not good enough,” “…not clever enough,” and “…not qualified enough.” Not only do we begin to believe this about ourselves, but we also fear that others will see it as well. We can avoid dealing with self-doubt by resisting change

Ways to help yourself overcome the fear of change

  1. Accept the Change

Acceptance implies being aware of your reality; it does not entail complacency. You may feel more at ease and find it simpler to deal with. Refusing change not only makes it more challenging to handle but also keeps you from discovering whether it might be a positive change. The more you can deal with your fear of change, the more emotionally intense you will be.

  1. Set goals 

Once you are aware of the source of your fear of change, you may create realistic goals and take concrete measures toward making a change for the better. When we adopt a positive outlook, take things one step at a time, and approach them carefully, mindfully, and with consideration, our concerns often begin to fade.

  1. Don’t overthink it. 

Uncertainty or the prospect of losing what is familiar can be paralyzing, but overthinking and over-worrying can make things seem even more difficult than they are. Instead of overthinking, stay in the present moment and base your decisions on what is right in front of you. Narrowing things down can reduce the mental stress of decision-making and get things moving in the right direction. It may take some time, but you will eventually realize that the situation was not as bad as you first thought.

  1. Practice it

Take preventative measures and train your brain to reduce your fear of change. Begin by making minor adjustments to your daily routine. Take small risks by incorporating new experiences into your life, such as learning a new language, trying new foods, or taking a different route to work. Regularly practicing new habits that disrupt basic routines will increase your adaptability and flexibility to changes. 

Change is inherently unsettling, but that doesn’t make it wrong! 

So make the most logical choice you can, summon courage, trust that something is more significant than your fear, and act upon it.

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